Paediatric Emergencies 2025 Course Details
The Paediatric Emergencies Intubation Course is taking place on 6th May 2025 and the Paediatric Emergencies Simulation Course is taking place the following day 7th May 2025 both at Riddel Hall Belfast.

Paediatric Emergencies 2024 Course Dates Announcement
The Paediatric Emergencies Intubation Course is taking place on 30th April 2024 and the Paediatric Emergencies Simulation Course is taking place the following day 1st May 2024 both at Riddel Hall Belfast.

Paediatric Emergencies 2023 Announcement
Programme subject to change The Paediatric Emergencies 2023 Conference is a free one day livestream via YouTube happening on 9th November 2023 starting at 08:00 (UK time). No registration or login is required and to watch all you need to do is visit...

Paediatric Emergencies Intubation Course 2023 Announcement
The Paediatric Emergencies Intubation Course is taking place on 18th May 2023 at Riddel Hall Belfast. Tickets go on sale on 30th January 2023 at 18:00 UK time. For more details see https://www.paediatricemergencies.com/intubationcourse/

Paediatric Emergencies 2022 Announcement
Programme subject to change The Paediatric Emergencies 2022 Conference is a free one day livestream via YouTube happening on 25th November 2022 starting at 09:00 (UK time). No registration or login is required and to watch all you need to do is visit...
Difficult vascular access in the peri-arrest child
In this episode I provide a structured approach to managing difficult vascular access in peri-arrest child including providing pearls to help you succeed.
Paediatric Emergencies 2021 Announcement
The Paediatric Emergencies 2021 Conference is a free one day livestream via YouTube happening on 18th November 2021 starting at 09:00 (UK time). No registration or login is required and to watch all you need to do is visit Paediatric Emergencies on YouTube.
Paediatric Emergencies 2020 Talks are Now Available
The talks from the Paediatric Emergencies 2020 Conference livestream are now available to watch
The Dos and Don’ts of Waiting for the Paediatric Retrieval Team
What to do and the common mistakes to avoid while managing a critically ill child prior to the paediatric retrieval team’s arrival.
Paediatric Emergencies 2020 tickets are now on sale
Tickets for Paediatric Emergencies 2020 are now on sale. for more details or to book visit the conference page
Paediatric Emergencies 2020 Programme Available and Free Places Competition
Paediatric Emergencies 2020 will be taking place between 4th – 6th June 2020 at Riddel Hall Belfast. For further details on the programme and to book ticket visit the conference page. Tickets go on sale at 6pm BST on 31st August 2019.
Paediatric Trauma – Waiting for the Retrieval Team Conference
Dr Stephen Mullen talking about Paediatric Trauma. This was recorded at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event in Belfast in 2019.
Time Critical Transfer – Waiting for the Retrieval Team Conference
Dr Mark Terris talking about the Time Critical Transfer. This was recorded at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event in Belfast in 2019.
Preparing for the Retrieval Team’s Arrival – Waiting for the Retrieval Team Conference
Lynsey Freeburn talking about Preparing for the Retrieval Team’s Arrival. This was recorded at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event in Belfast in 2019.
Status Epilepticus – Waiting for the Retrieval Team Conference
Dr Mark Terris talking about Status Epilepticus. This was recorded at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event in Belfast in 2019.
Post Arrest Patient – Waiting for the Retrieval Team Conference 2019
Dr Stewart Reid talking about the Post Arrest Patient. This was recorded at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event in Belfast in 2019.
Paediatric Critical Care Pearls – Part 6
This episode covers ‘Paediatric Critical Care Pearls’ 51 – 60. This is the 6th episode of the multipart series.
Septic Shock – Waiting for the Retrieval Team Conference 2019
Dr Christopher Flannigan talking about Septic Shock. This was recorded at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event in Belfast in 2019.
Cardiac POCUS – Waiting for the Retrieval Team Conference 2019
Dr Tudor Oman talking about Cardiac POCUS. This was recorded at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event in Belfast in 2019.
What’s New in the Literature – Waiting for the Retrieval Team Conference 2019
Dr Tom Waterfield talking about What’s New in the Literature. This was recorded at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event in Belfast in 2019.
Vasoactive Drugs – Waiting for the Retrieval Team Conference 2019
Dr Stewart Reid talking about Vasoactive Drugs. This was recorded at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event in Belfast in 2019.
Fluid Resuscitation – Waiting for the Retrieval Team Conference 2019
Dr Valerie Marshall talking about Fluid Resuscitation. This was recorded at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event in Belfast in 2019.
Acute Asthma – Waiting for the Retrieval Team Conference 2019
Dr Steven McVea talking about Acute Asthma. This was recorded at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event in Belfast in 2019.
Bronchiolitis – Waiting for the Retrieval Team Conference 2019
Dr Julie Richardson talking about Bronchiolitis. This was recorded at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event in Belfast in 2019.
Ventilation of the Critically Ill Child
Dr Christopher Flannigan talking about Ventilation of the Critically Ill Child. This was recorded at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event in Belfast in 2019.
Pearls for Intubation in the Critically Ill Child
Dr Jeremy Lyons talking about Pearls for Intubation in the Critically Ill Child. This was recorded at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event in Belfast in 2019.
Paediatric Emergencies Conference 2020
Update on the release of talks recorded recently at the Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the Retrieval Team event. Also plans for next years Paediatric Emergencies 2020 conference.
Video Laryngoscope Comparison 2019
Comparison of 7 video laryngoscopes and 11 blades using Trucorp Airsim Advance with Difficult Airway 2
Febrile Infants
Dr Tom Waterfield provides advice on how to assess febrile infants.
What I want from an impromptu airway assistant in a cardiac arrest
This episode provides advice on how to assist with a paediatric intubation in a cardiac arrest aimed at those who wouldn’t normally perform this role.
Recognition of the Sick Child
Dr Tom Waterfield provides advice on how to spot the sick child
Paediatric Critical Care Pearls – Part 5
This episode covers ‘Paediatric Critical Care Pearls’ 41 – 50. This is the 5th episode of the multipart series.
‘Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the retrieval team conference’ update
The Paediatric Emergencies – Waiting for the retrieval team conference is going ahead and will be held in Riddel Hall, Belfast on 5th April 2019. Tickets will go on sale on 14th September 2018 at 6pm BST.
Paediatric Emergencies Conference
I have been thinking of setting up an annual Paediatric Emergencies Conference for a while now, but due to other projects I haven’t had the time. The conference will deal with the initial resuscitation and stabilisation of the critically ill child in a similar way to that covered in the Waiting for the Paediatric Retrieval Team section.
Leadership in a Paediatric Emergency
This podcast provides a practical guide to effective leadership during a Paediatric Emergency. It covers key pearls on what to do and importantly provides advice on how to avoid the common pitfalls.
Paediatric Central Venous Line Insertion
This step-by-step guide to the procedure of central venous line insertion in children is primarily aimed at those new to the procedure, however clinicians familiar with the procedure in adults will still find some key pearls on how to modify their standard technique to achieve a high success rate in small infants.
Paediatric Emergencies Christmas App Giveaway
Grab yourself a Christmas present from Paediatric Emergencies. I’m giving away 10 copies of the Paediatric Emergencies app on both iOS and Android.
Video Laryngoscopes
A look of some of the currently available video laryngoscopes suitable for use in children.
Paediatric Critical Care Pearls – Part 4
This episode covers ‘Paediatric Critical Care Pearls’ 31 – 40. This is the fourth episode of the multipart series.
Intubation in Special Circumstances
What you need to know about how to modify the standard intubation technique as well as key learning points to remember when intubating children in special circumstances.
Compressed Spectral Array (CSA)
Step by step guide to using Compressed Spectral Array (CSA) in Intensive Care.
Direct Laryngoscopy
A step by step approach of how to succeed with direct laryngoscopy in children.
Intubation Pharmacology
What you need to know about the medications used for intubation of the critically ill child (induction agents, muscle relaxants, rescue medications and post intubation drugs).
Setting up the Ventilator
This episode provides an introduction to mechanical ventilation of the critically ill child and covers the basics of setting up the ventilator.
Paediatric Critical Care Pearls – Part 3
This episode covers ‘Paediatric Critical Care Pearls’ 21 – 30. This is the third episode of the multipart series.
Video Laryngoscope Comparison
In this section I compare a number of leading video laryngoscopes for oral and nasal intubation in adults and children.
Preparing to intubate the critically ill child
This episode covers the steps required when preparing to intubate a critically ill child and introduces the Paediatric Emergencies Pre-intubation Checklist.
Paediatric Critical Care Pearls – Part 2
This episode covers ‘Paediatric Critical Care Pearls’ 11 – 20. This is the second episode of the multipart series.
Paediatric Critical Care Pearls – Part 1
Paediatric Critical Care Pearls are key points that should be remembered when treating the critical ill child, each summarised into a sentence.
Paediatric Emergencies App Giveaway (Expires on 31st December 2016)
The Paediatric Emergencies App has just received a major update with new algorithms and drug doses updated. To celebrate it’s release I’m giving away 10 copies of the app on both iOS and Android.
Peripheral Vasoactive Drugs in Kids
This article provides advice on how to use ‘Push Dose Adrenaline’ and ‘Peripheral Adrenaline Infusions’ in critically ill children.
Advanced Acid-Base Interpretation
In this episode the quantitative approach to acid-base interpretation is explained with examples of how to perform the calculations at the bedside.
Paediatric Emergencies Procedural Videos
I have recently started an educational project of producing clinical videos demonstrating a range of paediatric practical procedures. It is hoped these videos will help others learning to do these procedures.
Collapsed Neonate
Like any sick child the initial management of the ‘Collapsed Neonate’ involves an ABCDE approach. While there are many possible causes, four major diagnoses must be considered…
Should cuffed endotracheal tubes be used routinely in critically ill children?
Over the last few years cuffed endotracheal tubes are being used more frequently in critically ill children. This episode looks at the possible reasons for this and reviews the evidence of whether this practise is safe…
About Me

Dr Christopher Flannigan
Consultant Paediatric Intensivist - Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children
I’m a Paediatric Intensivist from Northern Ireland and my goal is to improve the care delivered to critically ill and injured children. I have a particular interest in the initial resuscitation and stabilisation and in the use of information technology in the clinical environment. I have designed a number of medical applications which have been shown to improve emergency prescribing. If you have any comments or queries please drop me an email
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